Submissions/ Subscriptions

  Deadline for the next issue : 2 February, 2024

Submissions: Please email to Sally Butler,

  • We are looking for high interest articles that inspire.

  • If a group is elderly and the function is mainly a social one, with mutual support - that news is equally important.

  • We need high quality images

  • Large .jpg files (usually at least 1MB size)

  • Must be emailed as a separate attachment

  • Please don’t insert photos in a Word Document/email

  • No editing with Photoshop or any graphics software.

  • If sending a number of images, send them one at a time with a clear description of the image.

  • Text : 100-150 words (max) please, send as a MS Word doc or in an email.

Circle Subscriptions: (for 4 copies per year)

  • AAW group orders: $10 per person per year. Please send orders and payments to your Diocesan Treasurer.

  • Individual Orders: $20 (includes postage and package). Please email orders to, Anne Gover, NZAAW Treasurer,

  • 4 Lennox Street, Gore 9710. Include your name, postal and email addresses.

  • Pay by Internet Banking to Westpac account: 03 0915 0026110 000 Ref:Circle, name, address

Click here to view previous AAW Circle magazines.

Link to Anglican Church of Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia.

Click here to view previous AAW Circle magazines, and link to Anglican Church of Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia.